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Marta Moran Bishop

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Author Marta Moran Bishop

Marta Moran Bishop is the product of three generations of women writers. Their legacy to her was an inquisitive mind and a joy of writing and reading. She reads to children and adults alike taking her books from children's classes to senior centers.
Her first book, Wee Three: A Mothers Love In Verse, a children’s poetry book, illustrated by Hazel Mitchell, was a collaborative effort and a labor of love. She took the short, sweet verses her grandmother wrote in the nineteen thirty’s for her children and expanded those and added additional verses of her own.
Ms. Bishop, is a prolific and versatile writer, she currently has two children’s poetry books, Dinky: The Nurse Mare’s Foal, which is based on the true story of her rescue foal and written from his point of view and is enjoyed by both children and adults alike.
Her novel The Between Times, tells the story of a bleak world, where society consists of the poor and the rich and the poor live in squalor, with only a prophecy for hope of a better future. It has a touch of paranormal in its pages.
She has written three adult poetry books and a variety of fantasy and paranormal stories. A few of them are stories that her mother wrote over forty years ago and she finished while others are new and vibrant stories.
She states “I learned that one needed to have a plot and conversation to move the story forward from a particularly bad play I wrote at the age of six. It was the worst play ever written or performed. It was so awful my mother stopped the production after about three minutes."
She currently lives on a small farm in Massachusetts with her husband, three horses, cats and a conure parrot named Beau. They help her remember to view the world through a child's innocence and keep her young and imaginative.