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Author Ryanne Anthony

Hi! I’m Ryanne Anthony and I'm a woman.
You want more? Okay, okay. I really don’t like writing about myself (go figure) but here we go…
I’m a wife and the mother of two children that sometimes make me want to pull my hair out of my head but I wouldn’t trade them for anything. They are mine and I made them, carried them and lost what little shape I had doing that. ;)
I am a semi-new author that decided after having several careers, I would listen to what my mind was telling me and write. So I did and I named my first book ‘Mariah’. Then I chickened out and put it away. Then I saw a face that made me want to try it again. So I did. I pulled Mariah out, revamped her and was happy with what I did. Then I chickened out again, put her away but this time, I wrote another book and called that ‘Broken: Book One of the M Series’. I let some people read that and several said ‘loved it!’ Some said, ‘wow, I need to read that again!’ And yes, some said, ‘confusing as H and I have no idea what to do with this!’ I say, bear with it, it’s worth getting to know Mariah, Marcus, Matthew, Madison, Monica, Major and the rest of the M Series characters.
Now, there are eight in that series. I’m proud of them all; proud of everything I have written.
My goals in writing is to make my reader laugh, gasp, scream, yell, get angry, cry and nod. At the end of every story, I want them to THINK on what I've written, identify on a storyline or two. Every book, I try to do that. I want to entertain you, to not regret spending time ‘inside my head’.
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